

Before you is an educational, motivational program series, that trains and empowers you
to start living YOUR life.
Living your life is one of the most beautiful things that can happen to you. Take your time; choose the program that is best for you. 

6-week program in person for you to begin to strengthen and grow your relationship 

Individual meetings with Petra A. M., if you want quick and friendly solutions for yourself. 

A 6-week one to one program for one person, if you want to move somewhere in your marriage or enter into a relationship as a whole. 

Discover the path to a deeper connection and a harmonious marriage with the online course "Two Wholes Together"!

Fulfilled clients

Petra spontaneously and casually invited me to the 6-week mentoring program "Life is Yours, Start Living It." When she initially extended the invitation, I thought, "I don't need this because I've been intensely working on self-improvement for the last 10 years." However, an invisible yet strong connection was instantly established between us. 

On one side, there was my curiosity about what more I could enhance, discover, and elevate within myself, and on the other, Petra's gentleness and compassion in conducting various tasks and leading profound, transformational meditations. During the program, "aha moments" kept appearing, and the results were immediately visible in practice. 

Petra is a beautiful soul who provided contribution, support, and a sense of safety for me. 

I wholeheartedly recommend her program, especially to those who want to improve their relationship with themselves. All connections with the world are built upon this foundation, and life is worth living. Her approach is professional, filled with knowledge understanding, and without any pressure. 

With the "Life is Yours, Start Living It" program, I gained more than I could have ever expected. 

So, don't hesitate to get in touch with her. I assure you that you will be more than thrilled.


Everyone finds themselves at a crossroads in life, yearning for a marvellous person by their side to help them embark on a journey within. That's why I happily attended Petra's 6-week workshop, where I found answers to my questions, prioritized myself, and entered a new phase of life with a newfound, tremendous energy. 

Dear Petra, I sincerely thank you for helping me become stronger with a clearer vision of the future."

damjana jagodic

Petra, imaš najbolj prijazen, močan, neobsojajoč in neverjeten način vodenja skozi globoko zakoreninjena prepričanja in občutke, ki sem jih imela v glavi – dejansko v celem telesu. Hvala ti resnično, ker si mi pomagala, da sem se jih zavedla. Pomagala si mi jih na najprijaznejši, neobsojajoč način sprostiti. Počutim se kot nova. Si tako močna, nežna in prijazna oseba – ravno to kombinacijo sem potrebovala. Srčno sem ti hvaležna. Si NEVERJETNA MENTORICA. 

Lucia iz dublina